The Dragon
JoinedTopics Started by The Dragon
"false religion"
by A Paduan inre: this tract business.
is it just me, or do other people hear this phrase as another 'jwism' (ie.
a stupid and confusive use of english language).
What things about "Apostates" do you feel is "controlling" as WTS?
by booker-t inone of the things that i have noticed since i have been out is that "apostates"/ex-jw's tend to try and "controll" you the same way as jw's used to do.
for example: whenever you tell an "apostate" that you are no longer one of jw's they right away asume that you want to be a "born-again" christian and try to cram the "trinity" doctrine down your throat.
also if you tell an apostate that you don't share their views on hell-fire damnation they will immediately look at you with "contempt".
Can guesses be termed and sold as "religion" with good results?
by The Dragon inseems answers are an "end" of sorts to both guesses and problems.. i have recently came to the conclusion that "religion" in general is nothing more than self exalted leaders "guesses" into an unknown subject...that they try to sell and term as "religion".
with no good or valid argument to discredit this line of thinking...i stand behind it.. how is a person(s) bearing answers seen to those seeking answers?
how would that person(s) be seen in the eyes of those who have power and authority over others who accept their "guesses" as answers or "truth"?.
Is there anyway anyone can deny all religion is nothing more than guesses?
by The Dragon insee it all the time...and children even talking about it!.
is there any evidence that can prove all religions are nothing more than other mens guesses into the intentions and plans of god?.
we cannot even discern each others intentions or can someone claim to know god's?
Why is truth is so hard to find in Bible
by The Dragon ini have been studing it for years looking for answers....yet for every answer i find there is a counter to it.
the words themselves are twisted by leaders/teachers to fit their personal opinions and adgendas, as well as twisted by trying to rely on our own reasoning to understand them.. a good example would be the way our current system of laws work.. if the supreme court writes a law into the book..say for example.."evil" is anyone who does this....... it is then turned over to a bunch of undereducated enforcers to interpert and judge others they feel are "evil".
they are allowed to accuse and shoot first asking questions later.
Voluntary answering at meetings
by ThomasCovenant inwatchtower august 1st 1953 page 458.
'hence starting with the congregational study of this issue of the magazine, the conductor may call on persons whether they volunteer or not'.
i never saw this happen at my meeting.
Bunch of questions I have been storing up..can anyone help?
by The Dragon in1. what is to be gained by punishing someone beyond repentance?.
2. who is in more trouble and needing forgiveness?
people astray..or the ones who led them astray?.
How much wisdom does it take to destroy your opposers and rebels?
by The Dragon inbeen wondering this....... does having the power to punish and destroy people make you "right"?.
or can you prove it and make your opponets your friends by doing so?.
has anyone ever tried to pretend they are satan...and try to find out just what he did wrong..and why?
Does God Hate four letter words?
by frankiespeakin ini mean if you use the word like fuck,& shit does he really care or is it something we humans made up ourselves?
?? The gospel accounts read entirely different regarding the resurection??
by Lady Liberty inlast night i recieved a call from my sister and she told me to compare the last chapters of each gospel regarding the resurection of jesus.
she said she was blown away to read that they all had drastic differences.
i haven't had the time to compare this yet, but have any of you discovered this?